Meet the Owner
is a speech language pathologist in Vandalia OH. While she has worked in various settings over the past 20 years, her passion lies in helping parents/guardians provide language rich environments for their children. Betsy has had extensive training and experience serving children with speech and language delays. She is a self-described “constant learner’’ who loves to read and stay up to date with the latest research findings. She also loves learning new therapy approaches. All of this knowledge has helped her to develop individualized therapy focused specifically on each child’s needs with a focus on family involvement.
Betsy Stiffler, M.S. CCC/SLP

Why the focus on family involvement? Most sessions are only 1-2x per week. In comparison, parents/guardians have so much more time with their children and a little practice or language rich activity throughout the week can go a long way!
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelors of Science in Education from Miami University (2002)
Masters of Science in Speech Language Pathology from Miami University (2003)
ASHA Certificate of Clinical Competence 2004 to present
Licensed by the State of Ohio Speech and Hearing Professionals Board as a Speech Language Pathologist 2004 to present
Speech Language Pathologist Pupil Services License through the Ohio Department of Education since 2004
Master IEP Coach® Certificate of Completion
Certified provider of It Takes Two to Talk ®: The Hanen Program® for Parents